Susan Fredricks

Susan Fredricks
John D. Vairo Building, 130
25 Yearsley Mill Road
Media, PA 19063

Susan received her Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Kansas and her M.A. degree in Corporate and Public Communications from Seton Hall University. She has been teaching business communication, management, public speaking, organizational communication, political communication, human communication and women’s studies courses since the mid-1990s.

Currently, Susan is an associate professor at Penn State Brandywine in the Communication Arts and Sciences program. Her research includes pedagogical topics relating to public speaking courses, business and organizational communication, international studies, and leadership development.

Publications / News Articles / Courses Taught


Thirty Years Reflection and Implication of the Allowability of Controversial Anti-government, Revolutionary Book Publishing by Great Britain, Information, Medium, and Society: Journal of Publishing Studies, January 2022, Volume 20, Issue 1.

The Media’s Influence on the Government: A Case Study of Venezuela’s Media Agenda Setting with a Non-Free Press and Its Repercussions, Journalism and Media, June 2021, (with J. Phillips)

Are Students Ethical Human Business Communicative Agents? Analysis Between a Six Year Period, Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, July 2019, Volume 16, Number 2.

Teaching Ethics Through an Interactive Multidiscipline Communication Ethics Development Activity, Teaching Ethics, Fall 2018, Volume 18, Issue 2.

Developing student presentation skills in an introductory-level chemistry course with audio technology, Journal of College Science Teaching, June 2016, Volume 45, Number 4. (with J. Tierney, M. Bodek, & M. Fredricks)

Limited Gender Differences in Ethical Decision Making Between Demographics in the United States and New Zealand, Gender in Management: An International Journal, June 2014, Volume 29, Issue 3 (with E. Tilley and D. Pauknerova).

Using Web-Based Video as an Assessment Tool for Student Performance in Organic Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Education, June 5, 2014, Volume 91, Number 7 (with J. Tierney, M. Bodek, E. Dudkin, & K. Kistler).

Kinship, culture, and ethics in organisations: Exploring implications for internal communication, Journal of Communication Management, January 2012, Volume 16, Issue 2. (with E. Tilley, first author, and A. Hornett).

Kinship and Bystander Effect: The Role of Others in Ethical Decisions, The Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, October 2010, Volume 2, Issue 1. (with M. Ramsey and A. Hornett).

Book Chapter published: Macro versus Micro Ethical Dilemmas: Understanding ethics on a smaller scale, Business Ethics in Focus. February 2007. (with A. Hornett).

Book review: Political communication in a new era: a cross-national perspective, Southern Communication Journal, Winter 2005, Volume 70, Issue 2.

An Empirical and Theoretical Exploration of Disconnections Between Leadership and Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics, July 2005, Volume 59, Number 3. (with A. Hornett)

Teaching Impromptu Speaking: A Pictorial Approach, Communication Teacher, July 2005, Volume 19, Number 3.

Teaching Business Ethics to Undergraduate Students, The Successful Professor, February 2004, Volume 3, Issue 1 (with A. Hornett)

Creating and Maintaining Networks Among Leaders: An Exploratory Case Study of Two Leadership Training Programs, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Summer, 2003, Volume 10, Number 1.

Karaoke in Public Speaking: Enhancing Nonverbal Delivery Skills, The Successful Professor, February 2003, Volume 2, Issue 1.

Goal Model of Organizational Effectiveness: A Study of Leadership Kansas. The Journal of Arts and Sciences in Career and Experiential Education, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2001.

Exposing and Exploring Statewide Community Leadership Training Programs, The Journal of Leadership Studies, Spring 1998, Volume 5, Number 2.

Fredricks, S. Extended abstract: “Intercultural Public Power and (Proceedings) Lawfulness: Is there a correlation?” Cross Cultural Research Conference, online, December 2019.

Fredricks, S. Extended abstract: “Undergraduate Students’ Ethical Choices of Personal Financial Gain versus Ethical Financial Sensitivity by Major and Geographic Location” Cross Cultural Research Conference, online, December 2017.

Tilley, E., Fredricks, S, & Hornett, A. (2011). What are we teaching them? The impact of study level and age upon ethical decision-making by tertiary communication students from the United States and Aotearoa/New Zealand. In A. Henderson (Ed.), Refereed proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association Conference: Communication on the edge 2011.

Family Values and Bystander Theory- Exploring Ethical Decision Making with Students and Scenarios. Published Proceedings 16th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, October 2009.

Advances in Ethics Education and Training: Elements of a New Pedagogy. Published Proceedings EDiNEB 16th Annual International Conference, June 2009 (with A. Hornett).

Dilemmas of the Heart or Confusion for the Mind? Toward an Empirically based Conceptual Framework for Ethics Pedagogy. On-Line Published Proceedings Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, May 2009 (with A. Hornett)

Blood & Guts: New Findings for Ethics Pedagogy. Disk and On-Line Published Proceedings Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, August, 2007.

Not My Problem Vs Skin In The Game: Experimenting With Ethical Discernment And Leadership Development. On-Line Published Proceedings Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Saratoga Spring, NY, May, 2006. (with A. Hornett).

Learning Business Ethics: Interactive Web-Based Scenarios and Other Insights on Ethical Discernment. Published Proceedings for The 12th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, New York, NY, October 2005 (with A. Hornett).

Teaching Ethics Through Web-Scenarios: Exploring Students’ Ethical Decisions.Published Proceedings for the Association of Collegiate Business Schools Programs Conference, Washington D.C., June 2005 (with A. Hornett).

Teaching Ethical Behavior – Influencing Student Interpretations and Behaviors From Good to Great. Published Proceedings for the Association of Collegiate Business Schools Programs Conference, Phoenix, AZ, June 2004. (with A. Hornett)

Development and Assessment of the Innovative Curriculum: Required On-line Courses. Published Proceedings for the Association of Collegiate Business School Programs Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June, 2003. (with G. Greenberg)

Undergraduate Students’ Ethical Choices of Personal Financial (limited review) Gain versus Ethical Financial Sensitivity by Major and Geographic Location, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, February 2018, Volume 4, Number 1.

The Impact of Employment Status and Geographic Location; United States, New Zealand, and Czech Republic, on Ethical Choices for Three Business Scenarios, International Journal of Business and Social Science, July 2015, Volume 6, Number 6 (with D. Pauknerova).

Confluence of the Power-Distance Cultural Dimensions between United States, New Zealand, and Germany in Ethical Responses, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, March 2014, Volume 4, Number 4 (with E. Tilley).

News Articles

Courses Taught

BA 100: Introduction to Business

BA 495A: Business Internship

BA 495 B & C: Business Research Projects

CAS 100A& H: Public Speaking

CAS 352: Organizational Communication

CAS 252: Business and Professional Speaking

CAS 403: Interpersonal Communication

CAS 471: Intercultural Communication

COMM 370: Public Relations

COMM 403: Law of Mass Communication

COMM 471: Public Relations & Methods

COMM 494: Research Methods

COMM 495: Internships