Campus Directory | Faculty

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Kathyann Du-Mont [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
Tomezsko 610-892-1410
Georgios Eleftherakis [email protected]
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Tomezsko, 207B 610-892-1285
Laura Evans [email protected] Commons/Athletic Center, 218 610-892-1324
Matthew Feldman [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
Raphael Fenton-Spaid [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
John D. Vairo Building 610-892-1410
Maureen Fielding [email protected]
Associate Professor, English
John D. Vairo Building, 123 610-892-1439
Lana Forbes [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
Tomezsko 610-892-1410
Susan Fredricks [email protected] John D. Vairo Building, 130 610-892-1373
Julie Gallagher [email protected]
Professor, History
Professor, American Studies
John D. Vairo Building, 124 610-892-1464
Brigitte Gerritsen Van Der Hoop [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
John D. Vairo Building 610-892-1410
Paul Greene [email protected]
Professor of Ethnomusicology and Integrative Arts
John D. Vairo Building, 121 610-892-1474
Laura Guertin [email protected]
Distinguished Professor, Earth Sciences
Tomezsko, 102 610-892-1427
Donald John Haldeman [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
John D. Vairo Building 610-892-1410
Marinda K. Harrell-Levy [email protected] Commons/Athletic Center, 223 610-892-1277
Paul Harris [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
Main Building 610-892-1410
Megann Hedgecock [email protected]
Tomezsko 610-892-1410
Charles Helou [email protected]
Professor, Mathematics
Main Building, 212E 610-892-1453
Joe Honer [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Accounting
Main Building 610-892-1472
Robyn Janczak [email protected]
Part-time Instructor
Main Building 610-892-1410
Annie Jansen [email protected]
Reference and Instruction Librarian, Library
John D. Vairo Building, 203 610-892-1381